Merdeka Eve...hmm...i've no idea...but i spent my "Merdeka Eve" meaningfull!
Early in the morning,it was just around 8am, i'm hanging with "how i met your mother"! Guess what....this drama "Rocks" my mood all day long! Alright!
After the drama...i realized its about 6pm! Oh god~this is the 1st time i spent my time with a meaningful drama the whole day! Then,i went to dinner with my family...of course we heading to Kensington!^^
Oh my god!!!My Merdeka Eve dinner were awesome~~"Rib Eye with shintaku mushroom sauce and medium sizzled"! The Rib Eye just totally bring me in! Woohoo...i'm lovin it!
After the dinner,we heading back home~and i continued "how i met your mother"!^^
Around 11pm,started to become sleepyhead! After i washed and "suit up",only i realize Merdeka just around the corner...and i'm...all alone! At that time,i was wondering...'Where's my friend? Aren't they having fun, "shooting" beer and gather around and wait for the clock ticking until 12am? Aren't they all celebrating with "plus 1" or their "fiance"? And the problem is...what i'm doing in my room with pyjamas? Come on, it's almost 12am...everyone is celebrating out there...or threwing a party gather with family and friends...and what the hell Cheney is hanging around with the sweet bed? Why don't i go out waiting the clock ticks until 12am and hugging with my family or friends? I'm supposed having fun out there...but why i'm not?Finally, i realize that i'm such a nerd! Say hello to MR.Nerdy but not Cheney! But apparently, i'm really a nerd it because my friends felt hard sometimes since i'm always rejecting their request by asking me out! Sorry,Guys! I can't drink...can't socialized well...the point is...i must sleep before 12am(if not,sure i cant drive home!) And i would like to apologize to my family,because i'm not good in social...but i really love you'll!
Beyond the time im considering my life...finally i got the asnwer! The answer is...Yep!No doubt!I'm Sucks! Always thinking by not doing! Barney said:'Dont think,do it!' I might start to not think and do it as well!^^
After my stupid brain thinking...and that's what i called it a day! This how i spent my Merdeka 2009! Interesting uh?Happy Merdeka! And that's all for 30 & 31/8/2009!