Happy Schooling! I'm back to my optimistic college's life again...xD
Unfortunately my mood still in "shopping n relax" mood(cz chinese new year is coming!)...hope lecturer wont go too fast for every lecture...^^
Well...for the passed few days...i was going to shopping! Searching nice clothes and dope kicks for chinese new year purpose! Guess what? I've been stucked in pavillion for 4 hour and i got nothing...cz i havent plan my new style yet...but i think is better looking for something decent yet stylish-elegant-cool-look! Weird huh? haha...
Alright! Stopped there! It's time to share some cool stuff...today i was played a new game named modern warfare! What to describe for this game? Good! Real good! Way much better than left 4 dead 2...and the graphic...real awesome! Geek must love it! xD
Well..i'll stopped here! Felt kinda dizzy after the game! REAL AWESOME! Worth it! ^^
So.update soon peeps! Good day! ^^
Hot and Cold
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Monday, January 11, 2010
It's been awhile..PEEPS! xD
I've been busy these few days because i've been busy to become a BABYSITTER with my elder brother(take care of my sis and guard the house~xD)! Due to my parents went vacation to Macau, me and my brother have to be responsible for the my sis and the house!
Well,my parents already back from Macau on yesterday...and they did snap alot of cool stuff/place of Macau! (even though they went there about 3 times,but still...what an adorable & scene-ful country!) YES! Definitely they bought pressie for us! My mommy bought some "winter" clothes for my sis and bought 2 G2000 shirts for me and my brother.
The light purple for me...and the elegant gret for my bro.
A Gucci by Gucci fragrance for me(i requested 212 by Carolina Herrera! But my mommy call me back for other,so i choose Gucci. And my mom was amazed by the top note and satisfy by the bottom note! When she called me...she said: "This perfume the best! The scent were durn charming!" Well, seems like my kind of taste may be attractive ladies/woman but not girls!xD)

And here's a bad news for me! My muet ruined result my beautiful and adorable morning...i din expect i would failed the way like this...BAND 2! How hilarious and pathetic it is...what on earth that im doing? i was amazed and depressed by the result! but i will move on to the next level...i will retake! and i will work more harder than last time...i must shut'em down and hit'em with my pride! I always believe the night will end with a sunny day! And it does...c'est la vie! Like i've been reminded every time from my mommy..."Life's is like a box of chocolate,u never know what u gona taste!"
Well speak,mom!
I will move on! Tomorrow gona be another good day! Cheers! ^^
I've been busy these few days because i've been busy to become a BABYSITTER with my elder brother(take care of my sis and guard the house~xD)! Due to my parents went vacation to Macau, me and my brother have to be responsible for the my sis and the house!
Well,my parents already back from Macau on yesterday...and they did snap alot of cool stuff/place of Macau! (even though they went there about 3 times,but still...what an adorable & scene-ful country!) YES! Definitely they bought pressie for us! My mommy bought some "winter" clothes for my sis and bought 2 G2000 shirts for me and my brother.
The light purple for me...and the elegant gret for my bro.
A Gucci by Gucci fragrance for me(i requested 212 by Carolina Herrera! But my mommy call me back for other,so i choose Gucci. And my mom was amazed by the top note and satisfy by the bottom note! When she called me...she said: "This perfume the best! The scent were durn charming!" Well, seems like my kind of taste may be attractive ladies/woman but not girls!xD)
And here's a bad news for me! My muet ruined result my beautiful and adorable morning...i din expect i would failed the way like this...BAND 2! How hilarious and pathetic it is...what on earth that im doing? i was amazed and depressed by the result! but i will move on to the next level...i will retake! and i will work more harder than last time...i must shut'em down and hit'em with my pride! I always believe the night will end with a sunny day! And it does...c'est la vie! Like i've been reminded every time from my mommy..."Life's is like a box of chocolate,u never know what u gona taste!"
Well speak,mom!
I will move on! Tomorrow gona be another good day! Cheers! ^^
2010...fresh new start!
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Sunday, January 3, 2010
It's been decade...days passed by days...month passed by month and years passed by years! Time flies like i was just waken up from yesterday...and now...it's been 2010! Welcome 2010... Everyone have planned their new year resolution and so do i! My new year resolution...hmm...i'm wondering...nothing special...1st of all blessing that my family stayed healthy and happy...dad can find loads of money as he could...mum become more prettier and younger...el'bro can find his own new life's to live...bro'hsien can reduce his stress and enjoyed his "civil" study...and lovely sis starts her form 2 life...hope she'll enjoy her form 2 life's and make used to the new class and frens! For me,same as usual...hope i stayed healthy like hell...happy like clown...awesome like barney...and grow even more inches as i could! P.S. I'm short like shit! Oohkay! After the optimism,it's time for the flashback session for 2009! What i've done? Somewhere i belong... What on earth am i doing so far for the passed year? Well...nothing special but i found the real mean of "LIFE"! Things change so quickly. Just when u get used to something,zap! It changes. Just when u begin to understand someone,zap! They changes or maybe grow up or i become more mature! Who knows? Our life is made up of time. Our days are measured in hours, our knowledge is measured by years. We grab a quick few minute in our busy day to have a coffee break.(Not even enjoy at all) We rush back to the lecture or works, we watch the clock, we live by appointments. And yet time eventually runs out and u wonder in ur heart of hearts if those seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years and decades were being spent the best way they possibly could. Everything is spinning around us - studies, jobs, family, friends, lovers(Included even though i dun have any)...u just feel like screaming 'STOP', looking around, rearranging the order of a few things and then continuing on. This what a LIFE called! My passed life was awful until i found out the realism of life! I accept it, i eat it and i digest it! As the french always said....C'est La vie! I would stopped all those bad shit of my life like....j'adore la mode! I wont spent much on those shit anymore...all i nid to do is save! save! save! Even though im planning to buy a DSLR...but still it's a PLAN! It would changed anytime as long the times go by... Come on..it's 2010! What a myth! What a fresh new start! New year...new hope...new life's! Followed the plan and do it always better than welcomed! A-Ha! Believe it or not? New year eve...im just spending in Facebook(cz i've asking a girl to a date on facebook at 8pm! but apparently she din appear! I've been FFK like shit! I was just pretending im still into it! but still i text her the new year wishes! xD) What on earth that i'm thinking? I dint join my fren...but my family! My new year eve dinner..hmm...the best sashimi i had so far! My dad bring us to the japanese cuisine restaurant at Allson hotel(i forgot what the name is)!Unfortunately...i din captured the pic to share to all of u bcz my stupidity allows me to forgot to bring my Z20! Damn! But the food were good still! Anyone interested to try the japanese cuisine can contact me...i will guide u! On the other hand, for my friends part...I dint seen them about decade...but i rather to spent my time on books! What the hell? Yea...im nerd! But i will back to them soon as long im finished! Frens...im gona back soon! ^^
Well~It's been a while since the last post...but im here now and i have my new haircut for new year(looks more nerd now)...hahaha... Will be update soon...stay tuned! xD Oops....before i end up...wish u all a very happy new year and enjoy the new 2010! May god bless all of us healthy and happy! Later~
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