After the tough war,the "spartan" survive! And im back to my life again...its good to be back!1st and a half-graduate now! finish my diploma and goin to internship soon...after internship...that would be the end of chapter! I'm glad that im growing stronger...filled with knowledge...and growing more even mature than b4! In my diploma's life, there's alot of high and low in the process...the high was: have fun with frens,learning new stuff, gaining more knowledge...and the low was: struggle as usual(all the time)...bad result...finall exam..and some personal issue(better not to talk about). And i do appreciate every single fellow,frens,lecturer and anonymous has come in to my life..what i gota say its..."Thank You! Im proud to know you all and i've blessed by you all. Thanks for teaching,guiding,rectifying,judging,teasing,joking,criticizing..and so on. To every single person that come in to my life...i would like to say 100000000000 times Thank you! You all made me a "MAN"!" And now...for the lecturers. To all dearest lecturer who taught me, Thank you! I've learned alot from you all..and gain alot of knowledge and theories of real life during the lectures. I've enjoy every single lecture class i've been through and i'm gona missed'em! I do appreciate to all all made me a " Half-way Professional Accountant"! Thank you!
Aight..after the sentimental speech...get back to real life now.xD
And somewhat i've choose the life i want..and i know wat i want..and i will pursue it! But in between...i've made a "1 step closer" mistake...and i ruined it all! ALL!!!! There's no turning back for i cant erase or take back what i've said and what i've done! Apologize? Forget it! There's nothing i could regret will flows away somehow...but i would never forget the way i feel right now...people have no idea how it's feel..unless u been through~and im so bloody obsessed and regret! And there's nothing i can do! I admit it...i learned it and i wont repeat it! This my lesson and i earned from by losing "my pillar of strength"! Dont be like me..peeps!
So peeps, noted my lesson..and start working it...or else..u all gonna felt the way i's real!
And now its 11:21PM in the late night..and im out of here! Update soon! Good night earth lovers!