Hi peeps,how y'll doing today? I bet y'll had great day..^^
The Earthhour
Hi peeps,how y'll doing today? I bet y'll had great day..^^
When "V" become "VisVim"
Just Another Day
Hi y'll...its ya boi..Jeremy~ Wad Up peeps.. Wad up Malaysia...Wad up earthlovers!
I'm Nothing
U will know u’re ready to enter the land of love when u see everything as it really is…Sometimes love could really wear u out..but that’s what keeps u going nonetheless. Dats y all I want to do is find a way back into love…but i will never found it~everytime i try so hard to achieve something...but the expectation is not what u think! Now i believe the ancient said..."The highest the expectation, the highest the disappointment ! " I wont talk...i wont breathe..i wont move till u finally see that u belong with me! u might think i dont look...but deep inside in the corner of my mind,i'm attached to u~I'm weak...its true...cz im afarid to know the answer..do u want me too? Cz my heart keep falling faster...guess i ady know the answer! I'm nothing but a piece of crap!
Well...guess i just stop dreaming...i gota moved on tho...i believe im still the goddess! Nothings gona kill me but it makes me stronger! Hell yeah! I'm Back! xD
U must take the risk to ask...if u can bear the risk...u'll get wat u wan or else the worst is "no"! But me...i rather go 1 shoot and take it's all! Still waiting the chance~
So peeps....hope y'll had a nice day and have a great night! Good night~*Hug*
The Notebook

In a modern-day nursing home, an elderly man named Duke begins to read a love story to his elderly woman companion from a book he carries.
In 1940, at a carnival in Seabrook Island, South Carolina, local country boy Noah Calhoun sees 17-year-old heiress Allie Hamilton for the first time and is immediately smitten. She continuously refuses his persistent advances until their well-meaning friends lure them together. Noah and Allie spend an idyllic summer together, though her wealthy parents are less than enthusiastic about their summer romance. Allie is forbidden by her parents from seeing Noah again. Noah tells Allie he believes her parents are right and that he is not good enough for her, she yells at him and the two break up. Allie immediately regrets the decision but Noah drives away. Noah, devastated by their separation, writes her one letter every day for a year, with no replies. On the 365th day, he writes her a goodbye letter and decides to let her go. Noah and Allie move on with their lives; Allie attends Sarah Lawrence College, while Noah enlists to fight in World War II.
While in college, Allie volunteers as a nurse's aide for wounded soldiers and meets the injured Lon Hammond, Jr., a wealthy and well-connected young lawyer who is handsome, sophisticated, charming, and comes from an old Southern family. The two eventually become engaged, to the joy of Allie's parents, although Allie wonders why she is reminded of Noah's face when Lon asks her to marry him. Noah returns home. While visiting Charleston to file some paperwork, Noah witnesses Allie and Lon kissing at a restaurant. Devastated, Noah is consumed with restoring an old plantation from their summer together, wanting to believe that if he keeps his promise to her and fixes it up, Allie will come back to him. Finished, Noah tries to sell the plantation, but finds he cannot part with it. In 1947, while trying on her wedding dress, Allie spots an article about Noah's renovation on the Windsor Plantation in a newspaper. She decides to visit Noah in Seabrook and he invites her to dinner, during which Allie tells Noah about her engagement. Later in the evening, Noah asks Allie to come back the next day so he can show her something.
In the present, it is made evident that the elderly woman and is suffering from dementia, which has stolen her memories - and that Duke is her husband. She does not recognize their children and grandchildren, who beg Duke to come home with them. Duke insists on staying with his wife, refusing to abandon her.
Back in 1947, Allie demands to know why Noah never wrote to her. Noah tells her he wrote to her every day for one year. They begin kissing, then they sleep together. The next day, Allie’s mother appears on Noah’s doorstep while Noah is out, telling Allie that Lon has followed her to Seabrook after Allie's father told him about Noah. Allie's mother hands her daughter the bundle of 365 letters that Noah had written to her. Confused and upset as ever, Allie drives off to find Lon.
Realizing that she can not live without Noah, young Allie appears at Noah's doorstep, having left Lon at the hotel and chosen Noah. They embrace in reunion.
Present day, Duke's elderly companion suddenly realizes that she is Allie. She remembers her past, and that Duke is Noah. After finding out about her impending illness, she had herself written their story in the notebook years before with instructions for Noah inside: "The story of our lives, by Allie Calhoun. Read this to me, and I'll come back to you." But soon Allie relapses,
The next morning, Noah is found unconscious in bed and he is rushed to the hospital; he later returns to the nursing home's intensive care ward. He goes to Allie's room later that night, and Allie remembers their love again. She asks him if he thinks their love can make miracles, and he says that miracles are what bring her back to him every time. She then asks him if he thinks their love can take them away together, and he replies, "I think our love can do anything we want it to." Noah's last words before falling asleep are "I'll be seeing you." The next morning, a nurse finds them in bed together, passed away, holding each other.
Well, after reading...u felt wana feel the real story huh? Go for it! I bet y'll wont regret! It's totally inspired!
Do y'll knw which the best part? There it is...
"My Dearest Allie. I couldn't sleep last night because I know that it's over between us. I'm not bitter anymore, because I know that what we had was real. And if in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives, I'll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent the summer beneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love. The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that's what you've given me. That's what I hope to give to you forever. I love you. I'll be seeing you. Noah "
This the best part! Totally cant get rid of it eventhough i'm a guy! God damn it! I'm so gay! Indeed...i'm not! Aight? Plz dun mistaken me...i love girls!xD
Well guess i gota stopped crying and moved on! Nothings gona kill me but it makes me stronger! I'm the goddess! xD
So peeps...im sure some of might haven go to bed yet...anyway have great night and enjoy~And me...the little weirdo, is going to bed now...have a good night! ^^
J'adore Audit!
Well, peeps! Finally i finish my busy day...but the most busy week is coming soon! T.T
Auditor Jokes!
I have a professional woman as my wife; a Chartered Accountant.
She uses LIFO method while taking out the refrigerated food.
She thinks I am no good with numbers. Fine with me, for now she handles the
budget of the house. Initially she used to send me a bill at the month end,
but when I told her that I am not her client but her husband, she asks for
the money in advance. The expenses had been rising steadily over the
months, so one day I snooped into the papers maintained in a current file.
No wonder! She was charging mileage and overtime to the house budget. She
is crazy, I tell her but she corrects me. "No honey, I am the auditor".
I fail to see the light. Every scrap of the paper in our house is filed.
She tells me as per some Ordinance she must keep a copy of everything for
at least seven years before destroying it. I am worried.
The other day we had an hour-long fight. Later, I got to know that she had
charged that hour to a client of hers, in the time sheet. My time was put
down as unoccupied. She says that she loves me and I tell her that I love
her too. However, she never believes me. She says that there is
susceptibility of it being a misstatement. Duh! She wants my representation on this!
Last year our house accounts got a qualified opinion I had not kept the
supporting etc. of my purchases.
Not a long time back my brother's wedding was to be solemnized. Wedding
cards had been sent. After some time I started receiving a steady trickle
of letters. I was puzzled until my wife explained that external evidence
was more reliable. She had called for confirmations from all those to whom
cards were sent.
When she cooks: my wife at times does not go by recipe. Where the recipe
says add half-teaspoon vinegar, one tsp black salt or one teacup of water,
she ignores them. She says that they are not material when taken in context
of whole meal being prepared. She is crazy, I tell you. Surprisingly
everybody calls her an auditor, instead.
I checked the dictionary and it did not state that auditor is a synonym for
crazy. The dictionary must be outdated.
When we got married, she had given me an Engagement Letter and I had said
“how cute-how sweet”. Now she gives it to me every year saying that her
standards state that it must be sent anew if there is any indication that I
have misunderstood the objective and scope of engagement. Huh!
Apart from sending me the engagement letter once again she says I can't
get rid of her just like that. She says that she has the right of being
heard before I appoint someone else. Phew! For a minute, I thought that we
had jeopardized our going concern status. Duh! Dare I say so??
I am told by one of my female colleagues who is married to a CA that the
scenario is even worse when the guy is a CA. Apparently he capitalised the
wedding expenses as preliminary expenses and is writing- it off every year.
Also the time he spent dating his wife before marrying her is still under
consideration for valuation...valuation of intangible assets.
So guyz please think twice....should u really marry a CA? and yes, please
discount it by the appropriate rate to arrive at the present value of the
risk of doing so !!!!!!!
Funny huh? So peeps,whose planning to do accounting in the future...and falling in love with a auditor...plz consider and think properly! xD
What a Saturday!
Saturday! Saturday! Saturday!
Life As Usual!