Whootz! Finally i had abit free time to blog! Its time to update my blog,cause starting from 15th march, i wlll Busy As Usual! Due to the time restraint,i will not have much free slot to update my blog...as usual...Assignments,Tutorials,Lectures, and stuffs...would come together to be my temporary life's partner(S). xD
Well...what im doing these past few days? Web surfing,Prototype-ing,Assignments,Edc's blog,Kp's blog,Facebook...meaningful huh? i doubt it! xD
I wondering why the word "Study" doesnt appear in my mind at all? What happen to me? What's wrong with me? Audit, Tax, Company Law comes together at the corner of end of march, and im still enjoy as usual. Come on,dude! Make urself struggle abit at least....alrite? How i wish i can find the "fighting (study) spirits"! T.T
Hmm...i shud stop my study shit and shared some of my personal shit! I know some of u might not interested...but still i want to share my story to the world. ^^
Currently....I falling into Visvim(V) and A Bathing Ape(Bape) at the same time...which should i choose? They are so adorable and it does catch my eyes on the sight of beauty and the sight of "i had my own fashion sense"! I will start to pursue both of them! xD
Alrite...out my fashion stuff...real story coming up next~xD
For the past few week...i recognize someone i called V(Hiroshi Fujiwara? Doubt it? Guess it den! xD). Whats the 1st inspiration i saw from V? How i should describe? Hmm....Catchy? Witty? Adorable? Alot of character u can imagine that comes to my mind at the same time...@.@
Well,after i comply the professional courtesy with human being...which i called communication(stupid shit huh? xD)...i found out some of the characters that V has it....what are they? Cute! Catchy! Cool! and here comes the main character...Playful yet serious! What i mean playful yet serious is...when its time to enjoy...enjoy it! When its time to be serious on something...concentrate on it! I love this characteristic tho...how i wish i had'em.xD
Present,I dont know much of V...but i hope to know more about V cause i felt i had a god damn crush on V! Depends on the situation i stand, its hard for me to get V..cause V are precious! According to the ancients, it says,if u wanted something so badly,it wouldnt belongs to u...we must treasure'em,recognize'em well, when the times goes by...somehow it will comes to u! Just like the characteristics of diamond! And the ancients believes the most precious would comes at last...i believe it is! xD
Well...i guess i gota stopped my "philosophy" here and get back to my reality life's now...before i stopped..im here to proclaim my official Christian name..Jeremy! Hows it? Suit me? haha...and i end here with...Peace out! xD
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