Kina Grannis - Valentine from Ross Ching on Vimeo.
My Theory~My Story!
Kina Grannis - Valentine from Ross Ching on Vimeo.
Well peeps,hope u guys back from frm the busy life and it’s time to had a lil free slot for surfing the web. Aight, what im goin to share today is a story. What story it is? A story that’s true and real. There’s a guy who named himself Bape…im sure u guys gona think…hey, that’s Nigo! Haha…I assumed he’ll be the next Nigo! And previously this guy had live in his own life…he never trusted anyone since his heart has broken with some reason. That’s around 3 years ago. But while he was hanging alone...he started to think…and his heart talk to him. “Hey! are u nuts? U’re not going to live in this way…u shud open ur heart and started to believe peoples. If not…u’re going to die alone! Peacefully! No one going to cry for u!” said the heart. After he heard what the heart said…he realized that he’s being such a dumb ass all the while…and stupid! He don’t even know what his doing this for…3 years ago,a broken hearted has live in the darkness without any lights…kinda like punishment for him. But after 3 years…the broken hearted started to heal…and he decide to open his heart and go out from the darkness. Once he step out through the door, he feel the warm sun light…the birds was sang to him…and he never felt so alive at the moment. He was so happy! Started knowing new frens…and started to join new culture! At the same time, an angel has appear in front of eye his through his fren guidance! He doesn’t recognize the angel but his fren told him name of the angel. She was kinda the girl next door typo, adorable and the point is…totally he’s cup of tea. She just like an angel came by and took him to the heaven, like a light in the darkness….guide him to the right path! So, he started to notice her. He trying to know her well so he take his 1st step…be fren with her. Once he succeed, through conversation, he started to realize there’s loads common between he and she. It doesn’t takes long…within 30 days of time, he hang out few times with her…finally he started to had a crush on her~ He doesn’t feel this way b4 for 3 years of time…but now…he feels it and started to learn it! While the times goes by….he faces a lot rumours…loads negative sign that signal him there’s no chance, there’s no other way out, there’s no any other reason for him to stay. But he’s the man! He still keen on what he want….what he pursue he knows its precious for him, no matter what comes through him, he’s still goes on! Unfortunately, something happened! She was acting kinda weird these few days…she was felt disturbance when he trying to chat with her. But according to him, she was frustrated and busy for stuff going around her. Yea…maybe that’s the reason y she wud felt that way…and he decide not to disturb her for the upcoming days. During these days, he has found out the fact…the fact is…he was the one who had crush on her all the while and she doesn’t felt that way. And why she was acting werid it’s maybe she was kinda freaked out with he’s crushes on her?! And he started to think that it is time to leave out all the rest and back to his own life’s again…before he back to his own life…he had wrote a short note…
“ All the while with being friends with u is considered a very precious blessing to me, and one of the best moment in my life…ur kindness and our friendship is my inspiration. U always put a smile in my heart and u never failed to cheer me up when I’m feeling down. I guess what im really trying to say is…I’m falling for u~ I’m not expecting u to feel the same way, I just want u to know my deepest feeling that I’ve keeping all this while.”
End of short notes!
Well…and that’s the end of the story. What he going to do? I guess u guys gota find out urself den…happy ending? Or sad ending? I’ve no idea…but the guy shud not go any futher...he shud leave and gone…or else…they can’t even be frens because of the confession~there's always had a bottom line for relationship~ But I guess it takes 30 days for him to falling in love…and oso it takes 300 days for him to forgone and recover. Word~ True story tho…peeps…hows it? Haha…love it or hate it? Just sharing tho..
And today im not really well due to my gastric comes to visit me again…"he" always been a good fren of mine....visit me often..T.T I gota miss the street jazz class tho…sob! And the following days gona be real hectic…3 quiz,1 test,1 seminar and 1 rehearsal for the week…hows it? It not going to defeat me….it makes me stronger! xD Anyway hope y’ll had a nice day yo…and im felt exhausted and real tired tho…so good day & good nite! Ciao~