The past few days...i was dead because of alot of shit makes me goes law test, financial accounting and audit marks(real worst)...all these stuff makes me goes crazy! Real crazy!
Im so dead while im in the company law test hall...wat i memorize...wat i studied...wat i understand...i din apply on my question paper at all...wat on earth im doing recently? im not used to be that must something that always running in my head all the time...what dat is? I'm trying to figure out as well...and finally...i found out!
Truth always been makes us stonger and grown up at the same time we accept it as a reality in our own mind tho! And now...i decide to move on...i've no reason for waiting and waiting and waiting...what's the reason u wait for? rudely...what the hell u waiting for? There's no reason...bcz i've seen the fact with my eyes...previously...i tot that was rumours...and now i realized! So,before i let u go..there's something i gota say...wat i wana say is...YES! I've been falling into u and i like u for awhile...but now..guess i jz gota let go yo...u deserve the better! In fact, the best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our heart and bring peaces to our mind and thats what u given me. Thats what i hope to give u forever. The guy wasnt me at all...but still u deserve it...V~
Somewhat,im nothing special and jz a common man with common thoughts and i've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name soon be forgotten, but in one respect i've succeeded as gloriously as anyone who ever lived...i've loved another with all my heart and soul and for me that has always been enough.
Aight! It's time to share some precious stuff....what dat is? Today is Good Friday...and this Friday are real good! Meaningful day ever! I've ever been so meaningful in my life...i went to church!!! And the speecher are real good...he amaze me! Respect! Well, guess i will continue going because there's some theory i realize today but stuck in the half way...i hope to know it all! And that how i spent my Good Friday! done with emo...done with my theory...what about we called it a day? Aight peeps...sleep tight and good nite! Update soon! God Loves y'll!
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