Hi peeps,it's ya boi...Jeremy again! Wad up world...wad up peeps! And today was a big day...what it is? Yes! It's Easter! So Happy Easter to y'll! Praise the lord...he is rise and alive! Amen! xD
Well...im kinda disappointed to myself...because i missed the easter service today due to my false judgement...but i would blame myself. But still it's a great day...i believe im forgiveable today..because today is easter! whee~thx god! xD
Well...wat im goin to share today is...i started to falling in love with Bearbrick. They are so adorable and totally catch my eyes in beauty! I think im goin to get them if i can afford them...but i will go for 400% watermelon and strawberry 1st...saving money now...whee~~well for those whoever seen them b4...now...let me introduce u...behold for the super duper cute Bearbrick...The dope collaboration between 3 giant brand...Levis x CLOT x Medicom Toy 1000% Bearbrick Watermelon & Strawberry Set!

i'm falling in love with u~

shall we fall in love? xD

u will never notice my existence because im always guard u from the unsighted place...nuff said!
Dats all for the introducing...nuff said? I guess so...xD
Well...today...was another usual day in my life...emo+struggle+optimism! And i think i was wrong again...im into someone...but someone are not interested in me...timing are so important in relationship...maybe i just appear in the wrong timing~ How i wish we had another time...how i wish we had another place...but everything we have is stuck in the moment and there's nothing my heart can do to fight with time and space cause i'm still stuck in the moment with u~just like i quoted..."u will never notice my existence because im always guard u from the unsighted place.." Guess i gota move on~again~
Aight...done with my emo again...i shud called it a day now...so again...happy easter to y'll! Great day ever! So peeps...sleep tight and had a good night! Peace out~
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